Davidson News

Hurricane Lee Puts New England And Atlantic Canada On Alert; Residents Are Under Storm Warnings

Be guided with the current track of Hurricane Lee for your awareness and safety. After making a long journey over the Atlantic, where it briefly reached Category 5 status, Hurricane Lee has changed into a post-tropical storm as its effects have hit the ground this weekend.  On Saturday, the Hurricane Lee’s damaging winds, torrential rain, … Read more

Hurricane Lee Update: Knowing How Fox Point Hurricane Barrier Prepares For The Storm’s Impact

The storm barrier in Providence is prepared for Hurricane Lee. The Fox Point Hurricane Barrier crew is ready in case Hurricane Lee begins to move into Rhode Island. In order to prevent a wind-driven surge or an unusually high tide from forcing the closure of the barrier preventing flooding in downtown Providence, US Army Corps … Read more

Record Breaking Heat Wave Engulfs NYC, Washington DC This Wednesday

NYC, Washington DC will experience record breaking heat wave this Wednesday. Forecasters urged people expecting to spend time outdoors to drink water and to refrain from vigorous exertion as a record breaking heat wave continued to engulf parts of the country on Wednesday. The mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United areas will continue to … Read more

The National Weather Service Revealed: “This Summer, It Appears To Be Lurching From One Disaster To Another”

According to the National Weather Service, 2023 appears to be jumping from one disaster to another. Veteran meteorologist Alex Tardy of the National Weather Service reported that Tropical Storm Hilary  poured massive volumes of water over the steep local slopes. The flooding in Los Angeles California during the tropical storm that raced down the river … Read more