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Sue Altman Past Support for COVID Relief for Undocumented Immigrants Sparks Debate in New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District

Sue Altman Past Support for COVID Relief

Criticism Mounts as Sue Altman’s Views on COVID Relief and Immigration Come Under Spotlight in NJ’s Seventh Congressional District Race

Sue Altman a Democratic nominee for New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District is facing criticism for her past support for giving COVID relief funds to undocumented immigrants, according to the report of FREE BEACON. Before running for Congress Sue Altman worked for a progressive group and pushed for this idea. Now, her opponents say she cared more about non-citizens than legal residents during the pandemic.

Altman previously supported providing COVID relief to immigrants but now blames Republicans for the border issue. Sue Altman campaign website doesn’t mention immigration. Competing against Rep. Tom Kean Jr. her stance on COVID relief for immigrants is under scrutiny. Some Democrats support her while others criticize her priorities. Immigration and COVID relief are key issues in the race for New Jersey’s Seventh Congressional District.

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Sue Altman Advocacy for Undocumented Immigrants Sparks Debate in NJ’s Seventh Congressional District Race

Furthermore, Sue Altman advocacy for undocumented immigrants didn’t stop with COVID relief. Sue Altman also criticized local officials for working with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during the pandemic. This stance aligns with her broader support for immigrant rights but adds another layer to the debate surrounding her priorities in addressing immigration issues.

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