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Tax Day Tips: Expert CPA Shares Key Strategies for First-Time Filers to Avoid Mistakes and Speed Up Refunds!

Common Tax Day Tips

Reporting Unemployment Income

According to the Street, As tax day gets closer many Americans who are filing their taxes for the first time are feeling stressed about it. Dan Geltrude who is a CPA and runs Geltrude and Company recently gave some really helpful tax day tips in an interview with The Street.  Geltrude said it’s super important to avoid making common mistakes, like giving the wrong Social Security number or putting numbers in the wrong places on the tax forms. He also pointed out that if you have unemployment money, you need to report it as income on your taxes to avoid problems with the IRS.

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Tax Day Tips: Expert CPA Shares Key Strategies for First-Time Filers to Avoid Mistakes and Speed Up Refunds! (PHOTO: Preferred CFO)

Maximizing Tax Benefits

Tax day tips advised by Geltrude about careful financial planning to break even on taxes but suggest filing online with direct deposit for faster refunds. He emphasizes tax day tips about filing early to avoid delays in receiving refunds. His tax day tips are beneficial for new filers, helping them avoid mistakes and expedite refunds, easing the tax filing process.

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