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Polish Journalist Denied Medication in Belarusian Prison Amidst Human Rights Concerns

The human rights concerns surrounding Andrzej Poczobut, a former correspondent for a major Polish newspaper, who is currently imprisoned in Belarusian prison, on the denial of essential heart medication and the broader implications for his well-being, as well as the erosion of his basic human rights while in custody.

Reporter from a prominent Polish newspaper purportedly refused medication while held in a prison in Belarusian prison. (Photo: AP News)

Denied Medication and Basic Rights of Imprisoned Polish Journalist Andrzej Poczobut in Belarusian Prison

The Washington Times – Andrzej Poczobut, a former correspondent for a leading Polish newspaper is currently incarcerated in Belarusian prison. According to Marek Zaniewski, a representative of Belarus’ largest Polish community organization, Poczobut has been denied access to life-saving heart medication in the Belarusian prison, raising serious concerns about his well-being and human rights. The journalist, known for his work with Gazeta Wyborcza, has been confined to solitary isolation with no legal representation or medical assistance in the Belarusian prison, compounding worries about his deteriorating health.

The dire situation was further highlighted by Viasna, Belarus’ prominent human rights group, which reported that Poczobut has been transferred to a punitive one-person cell, a Belarusian Prison in Navapolatsk, a city in northern Belarus, where he is serving an eight-year sentence.

Poczobut’s conviction in February for charges of “sowing discord” and endangering national security was widely criticized as part of the Belarusian government’s broader crackdown on opposition figures and civil society in the Belarusian.

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Imprisoned Journalist Poczobut Denied Medical Care

According to the published article of The Derrick, despite his appeal being dismissed by Belarus’ Supreme Court in May, Poczobut’s plight continues to attract attention both domestically and internationally.

The denial of crucial medical treatment of him in Belarusian prison further exacerbates the already dire situation, raising urgent calls for the Belarusian authorities to uphold human rights standards and ensure proper medical care for all detainees.

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