Davidson News

Davidson News

Congress’ Spending Bill Passed: Unleashes Earmark Bonanza

House Passes 2024 Fiscal Year Spending Bill Bipartisan Effort Leads to Fiscal Stability According to Daily Caller, on Wednesday, the House of Representatives achieved a significant milestone by passing a spending bill aimed at funding a portion of the federal government for the 2024 fiscal year. The  Congress’ Spending Bill development marks the conclusion of … Read more

Critical Federal Programs Targeted: Countdown to Disappearance Looms Without Congressional Action

As February 2 approaches, two crucial federal programs hang in the balance, both responsible for maintaining national security — one focused on detecting chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and the other designed to counter drones operating illegally in U.S. airspace. The potential disappearance of these programs is not due to controversy but rather their entanglement … Read more