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Guaranteed Basic Income: A Growing Movement to Combat Income Inequality and Poverty in the US – Check It Now!

Diverse Funding Sources for Guaranteed Basic Income Programs

Leading Cities Provide Financial Assistance to Low-Income Families

According to Business Insider, in the United States, some programs called guaranteed basic income (GBI) are helping families with low incomes by giving them money each month. These guaranteed basic income (GBI) programs get money from different places not just taxes. Foundations, federal help, and people who donate money all pitch in. Cities like San Antonio, Austin, Denver, Boston, and Minneapolis lead the way. They give families between $500 and $1,000 monthly for one to three years. This guaranteed basic income helps families pay for things like rent and food and makes them feel more confident about their money.

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Guaranteed Basic Income: A Growing Movement to Combat Income Inequality and Poverty in the US – Check It Now! (PHOTO: The MIT Press Reader)

Mixed Reactions to Guaranteed Basic Income Programs

Some GOP lawmakers in states such as Texas, Arizona, Iowa, and South Dakota oppose guaranteed basic income programs due to concerns over costs and potential reliance on government assistance. Nonetheless, President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act is contributing to significant funding for large-scale initiatives in cities like Chicago and Harris County. Furthermore, charitable organizations like Mayors for a Guaranteed Income and GiveDirectly are providing financial support for these guaranteed basic income programs recognizing their importance in aiding families experiencing financial hardship. With increasing support from diverse sources, these guaranteed basic income programs have the capacity to extend assistance to more struggling families.

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