Davidson News

Millions of Americans with Affordable Care Act Coverage at Risk: Biden’s Actions Lowered Costs – Future Uncertain as Politicians Target ACA!

Affordable Care Act Enrollment Surges Across the US

Biden Administration’s Efforts Drive Affordable Care Act Enrollment and Cost Reductions

According to Yahoo News, a huge number of Americans in the US including lots from California have gotten affordable health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). President Biden‘s actions helped lower costs for most enrollees with 80% paying $10 or less every month. The government also worked hard to inform and assist people especially those who have been left out before.

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Threat to Affordable Care Act Poses Dire Consequences for Millions of Americans

Some politicians aim to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (ACA) if they gain control of Congress and the White House which would have severe consequences. This move would deprive millions including many with pre-existing conditions of health coverage and increase costs for families and seniors by undoing progress in cost reduction. Dr. Ami Bera, a former physician turned lawmaker emphasizes the importance of advancing healthcare access. Democrats are committed to ensuring affordability and accessibility for all but Republicans’ efforts threaten to reverse the positive strides made endangering coverage for millions and leading to increased expenses.

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