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$38 Billion Budget Deficit of California – Democrats Struggle to Find Solutions!

$38 Billion Budget Deficit

Uncertainty Looms Over Budget Plan as Democrats Grapple with Budget Deficit Range

According to the Los Angeles Times, California faces a substantial budget shortfall of at least $38 billion prompting Governor Gavin Newsom and Democratic leaders to tackle the problem. However, they’re unsure about the budget cuts needed, with estimates ranging from $12 billion to $18 billion. Despite the urgency to implement cost-saving measures and reduce spending promptly, the specifics of the plan are unclear. This uncertainty is worrying for citizens and increases the pressure on Democrats to come up with viable solutions.

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$38 Billion Budget Deficit of California – Democrats Struggle to Find Solutions! (PHOTO: Los Angeles Times)

Senate Proposes $17 Billion Cut in Education Spending

The Senate has suggested a way to cut $17 billion from the budget deficit by postponing spending on education projects. But the Assembly, where the Democrats have the most seats hasn’t decided on a plan yet. This shows how hard it is for everyone to agree on what needs to be done to fix the budget. The problem is serious because it might be the biggest budget deficit California has ever had. Democrats have a tough job ahead as they try to figure out what to do about programs that affect a lot of people. Estimates say the budget deficit could be even bigger than they thought making it even more challenging to make decisions in the future

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