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Here’s The Story Behind The Commonwealth Day Car Photo Of Kate Middleton

Photographer Jim Bennett shot Princess Kate Middleton on her second public appearance following her stomach surgery, but at first, he was unaware that the Princess of Wales was included in the picture. Bennett admitted that until he began going through the pictures, he was unaware that the other person alongside William, 41, was Kate, 42.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton; Source- Variety

Princess Kate’s Picture

Even though Bennet’s shot wasn’t the best, he informed the outlet that he chose to release it because he understood the significance of it. Though Kate’s position to the side of William is not visible in the photo, it is evident that she is not gazing directly at William. The press office’s confirmation was the only way to verify that Kate was in the car with William. Bennett’s image, which the Daily Mail was able to obtain, was shot on Monday, March 11, and it featured the couple riding in the rear of a black Land Rover. William was getting ready for the annual Commonwealth Day service when he was observed gazing down. Kate, on the other hand, was staring out the window, her face turned away from the photographers.

Bennett refuted tampering with the image amid conspiracy claims surrounding the princess. The Daily Mail revealed while Kate and her husband were driving that Kate was going to a private appointment rather than the Commonwealth Day service. Kate had been seen in a car before after undergoing stomach surgery in the middle of January, which the palace had stated would cause her to take a break from public life until Easter. On Monday, March 4, Kate was finally pictured outside in a car with her mother, Carole Middleton, after going missing for several weeks following her surgery. Kate sat in the passenger seat wearing them and sunglasses.

Mother’s Day Portrait Of Kate Middleton

A never-before-seen Mother’s Day portrait of Kate with her three children Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 5 taken by William also made headlines. On Sunday, March 10, it was shared on social media by Kensington Palace. Despite being intended to demonstrate Kate’s health, the image quickly raised questions about her well-being as fans of the royal family surmised that it had been altered. Eventually, several news sites released a kill notice and revealed that the source had altered the picture. William mentioned Kate a few days later, on Thursday, March 14, while he was making cookies at the brand-new charity space WEST Youth Zone. He said that Kate was the artistic one without mentioning anything about her health or the picture.

Princess Kate Middleton’s Controversy

Official information from Prince William and Kate’s London home and office, Kensington Palace, has been inconsistent throughout the entire incident. Royal analysts have pointed out that although the palace rarely addresses unsubstantiated allegations concerning the royal family, it has responded to one regarding Kate’s illness. In the meantime, requests for an unaltered copy of the Mother’s Day picture and more details regarding Kate’s location have gone unanswered by the palace. When it comes to dispelling rumors regarding Kate’s absence, the royal family’s long-standing policy of silence is not working in their favor, according to public relations and crisis communications specialist Mark Borkowski, who works out of London with People.

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