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High Tide Flooding To Increase In 2024 Due To El Niño Phenomenon

High tide flooding to be experienced in 2024 due to El Niño.

High Tide Flooding To Increase In 2024 Due To El Niño Phenomenon (Photo: Inside Climate News)

Federal scientists claimed that high tide flooding is likely to get worse over the course of the next year due to the climate troublemaker El Niño.

El Nio, a climate tyrant, is predicted to make this high tide flooding worse over the course of the next year, according to federal experts in a paper released on Tuesday. 

As the country proceeded to set records, the pattern for this kind of high tide flooding persisted throughout 2017.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s research, eight sites on the East and West Coasts actually suffered record high tide flooding last year. 

The approaching year will also see an increase in high tide flooding days for numerous localities due to the anticipated intensification of El Nio.

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This form of flooding, sometimes referred to as “sunny day” or “nuisance” flooding, is coastal flooding that causes inconveniences like roadway and establishment closures and lengthier travel times.

As a result of the ongoing sea level rise caused in part by climate change, it is happening more frequently. Depending on the locality, it happens when tides rise anywhere from 1 to 2 feet above the daily average high tide.

The United States is expected to have four to nine high tide flooding days throughout the course of the upcoming year, according to NOAA’s forecast. This is an increase from the three to seven days that were predicted last year and roughly three times as many as were regularly experienced in 2000.

In the Mid-Atlantic, where forecasts are more detailed, nine to 15 days of high tide flooding are expected, a rise of over 350% since 2000. Seven to 14 days of high tide flooding are anticipated in the western Gulf Coast, which is an increase of over 350% from the year 2000.

In the decades to come, the issue is only anticipated to worsen. The country is predicted to endure 45 to 85 days per year on average of high tide flooding by 2050.

 The US is predicted to experience an average relative sea level rise of nearly a foot by 2050, according to NOAA, which forms the basis for long-term estimates.

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