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Woman from Plainfield Arrested after Threatening to Kill Donald Trump and His Son Barron

A Plainfield woman is in federal custody after admitting to sending threatening emails to kill former President Donald Trump and his son Barron. The woman faces charges of making violent threats via commercial email over the internet.

Woman from Plainfield arrested after willfully attesting threats she made to Kill Donald Trump and his youngest son (Photo: The Daily Wire)

Woman Willfully Admits Threats to Kill Donald Trump and his son, Barron

Fox 32 Chicago – Tracy Marie Fiorenza, a 41-year-old woman from Plainfield, appeared in court after admitting to federal agents that she threatened to kill former President Donald Trump and his son, Barron. The charges stem from a series of threatening emails sent by Fiorenza to a school headmaster in Palm Beach County.

According to a federal complaint filed in the Southern District of Florida, Fiorenza confessed to sending emails containing explicit threats. One email, dated May 21, stated, “I will shoot Donald Trump Sr. AND Barron Trump straight in the face at any opportunity that I get!” Another email on June 5 read, “I am going to slam a bullet in Barron Trump’s head with his father IN SELF DEFENSE!”

Federal prosecutors have charged Fiorenza with making threats to kill or injure individuals via commercial email over the internet. The alleged threats were considered violent and explicit, leading to her arrest.

Fiorenza’s court appearance marked the beginning of the process to transfer her to Florida, where she will face federal prosecutors for her actions. A former employee of Chicago Public Schools, Fiorenza worked from September 2019 to August 2020 before being fired.

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Legal Implications and Future Hearing on Fiorenza’s case in threating to Kill Donald Trump and his son, Barron

Fiorenza is scheduled for a detention hearing on Wednesday to determine her legal status while the case progresses. Both the assistant U.S. attorney and the federal public defender declined to comment on the ongoing case.

The case highlights the serious legal consequences of making violent threats via electronic communication, raising concerns about the impact of such threats on public figures and their families.

The motivations behind Fiorenza’s threats remain unclear, underscoring the need for a thorough investigation into her intent and any potential underlying reasons for her actions.

While the case progresses, legal experts emphasize the importance of holding individuals accountable for threats that incite violence, regardless of their motivations.

The case serves as a reminder of the legal repercussions that individuals may face for making violent threats online. In an age where electronic communication is prevalent, it underscores the necessity of maintaining respectful and lawful behavior in the digital realm – ABC 7.

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