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Davidson News

California’s State Senate Reparations Movement: Paving the Way for Equity and Justice

California State Senate Passes Landmark Reparations Bills to Address Legacy of Slavery and Racism

California State Senate Reparations Initiatives Gain Momentum in the California Legislature

According to ABC7News, The California State Senate just passed three important bills to try to fix old unfairness. These bills are meant to help restore the lasting effects of slavery and racism. They were written by Senator Steven Bradford and supported by the California Legislative Black Caucus. They’re based on ideas from the Reparations Task Force, which suggested over 100 ways to make things right in 2023.

One of the bills, SB 1403, creates the California Freedmen Affairs Agency. This agency will watch over the reparations to make sure they go to the right Americans. SB 1331 and SB 1050 also passed. They’re about making a fund for reparations and paying back families who lost property because of racism. These bills aim to fix the unfair economic differences and injustices that Black Californians have faced.

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California’s State Senate Reparations Movement: Paving the Way for Equity and Justice (PHOTO: GLOBE)

California’s State Senate: Advancing Reparative Justice for Black Communities Despite Setbacks

Even though some reparations bills didn’t make it through, the ones that passed show that California is serious about fixing old wrongs. These bills are a step toward making things better for Black communities across the state. With more work and support, California can keep moving forward to make up for the past racism and unfairness.

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