Davidson News

Davidson News

21,000 Kentucky Kids at Risk: House Bill 367 Threatens SNAP Benefits and School Meals!

Kentucky Schools Concerned About Proposed SNAP Restrictions Potential Ramifications for School Meal Programs According to NKY Tribune, Kentucky schools are worried about House Bill 367, which wants to make it harder for people to get SNAP benefits. House Bill 367 would make it so only families with very low incomes can get help. Tracy Pulley … Read more

Kentucky’s SNAP Eligibility Under Scrutiny with Proposed Changes

In Kentucky, proposed changes to SNAP eligibility criteria are sparking concerns among residents as House Bill 367 moves through the legislative process. The bill, which has passed the House of Representatives and awaits review by the state Senate, aims to lower income thresholds and introduce asset testing for food stamp recipients. SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition … Read more

House Bill 367 In Kentucky: Potential Impact on SNAP Benefits and Vulnerable Communities!

SNAP Eligibility Changes Concerns from Advocacy Groups According to Los Cerritos News, in Kentucky, there’s a big discussion about House Bill 367. This House Bill 367 wants to make it harder for people to get help from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). If House Bill 367 becomes law many people in Kentucky might lose … Read more