Davidson News

Davidson News

Staying Safe This Summer: The Dangers of Alcohol and How Long It Stays in Your System

Staying Safe This Summer: The Dangers of Alcohol and How Long It Stays in Your System

Drinking by the pool or at a barbecue can be tempting, but it’s crucial to stay safe amid summer fun. Every day in the U.S., approximately 37 people die from drunk driving crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Additionally, 31% of drowning deaths involve a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over the legal … Read more

What Effect Does Long Covid Has? And How Are We Impacted By It?

What Effect Does Long Covid Has? And How Are We Impacted By It?

Since its emergence in 2020, long COVID-19 has evolved into a significant global health challenge, affecting millions and exerting a profound impact on economies due to reduced workforce productivity. The intense focus on this condition has generated over 24,000 scientific publications, making Long COVID the most extensively researched health condition in any four years of … Read more

The Health Risks of Nicotine: Smoking vs. Vaping

The Health Risks of Nicotine: Smoking vs. Vaping

Nicotine, whether ingested through smoking cigarettes or vaping e-cigarettes, presents significant health risks. The duration nicotine stays in your system varies based on factors like genetics and the amount consumed. Typically, it remains in the body for about three to four days (80 to 100 hours), according to Benjamin Toll, Ph.D., co-director of the Medical … Read more

The Risks of Using Wrist Weights During Walks: Experts Advise Caution

The Risks of Using Wrist Weights During Walks: Experts Advise Caution

Wrist weights, a longstanding fitness tool, have seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to social media platforms like TikTok. Influencers and fitness enthusiasts are incorporating them into trendy routines such as the “hot girl walk,” claiming these weights offer an effortless way to tone arms while getting in some cardio. The appeal lies in the … Read more

Smelly Urine is Causing a Problem? Know Your Condition

Smelly Urine is Causing a Problem? Know Your Condition

Experiencing smelly urine can be an embarrassing and common situation. Foods like asparagus and Brussels sprouts are well-known culprits, causing many to worry about using public restrooms after consuming these items. However, having odorous urine is a normal occurrence and is often influenced by dietary choices. Common Dietary Culprits “Urine consists of water and waste … Read more

The Versatility and Health Benefits of Pecans: A Nutrient-Packed Powerhouse

The Versatility and Health Benefits of Pecans: A Nutrient-Packed Powerhouse

Pecans have transcended their role as a simple snack to become a versatile ingredient in various dishes. These nuts are commonly used as toppings for salads, oatmeal, baked yams, and yogurt. They are also key ingredients in baked goods like muffins, pancakes, scones, bread loaves, cobblers, crisps, sweet potato casseroles, French toast, cookies, cakes, and … Read more

Doctors Recommend Wearable Watches to Manage Health Conditions, Know Why

Doctors Recommend Wearable Watches to Manage Health Conditions, Know Why

Wearable devices such as Apple Watches may be more beneficial to long-term health goals than many realize. Some doctors now recommend these devices as medical tools to help diagnose and manage various conditions, including heart disease monitoring and post-surgery recovery. Health Benefits and Empowerment Dr. Rod Passman, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at Northwestern … Read more

Study Finds Heavy Metals in Tampons Across US and Europe

Study Finds Heavy Metals in Tampons Across US and Europe

A recent study has uncovered the presence of more than a dozen heavy metals, including lead and arsenic, in a wide range of tampons sold across the United States and Europe. This discovery raises significant concerns about the safety of menstrual products used by millions of people. Widespread Presence of Heavy Metals The study, published … Read more

Safe Solutions for Teething Babies: What Parents Need to Know.

Safe Solutions for Teething Babies: What Parents Need to Know.

Tending to a teething baby is a challenging task for parents who want to alleviate their child’s discomfort but might not know the safest methods. Teething usually starts around 4 to 7 months of age as the baby teeth, which will total about 20 by age 3, begin to emerge. Common signs of teething include … Read more

Can You Get The Flu In Summer? Here’s How You Can Stay Protected & Healthy.

Can You Get The Flu In Summer? Here's How You Can Stay Protected & Healthy.

The flu is typically associated with the colder months, but experiencing symptoms like fever, cough, sore throat, and runny nose during summer vacation can be perplexing. The Possibility of Summer Flu If you suspect you have the flu in the summer, it is essential to consider other possibilities, such as COVID-19 or another illness. Physician … Read more