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Peruvian Gang Leader Wanted for 23 Murders Arrested in Upstate New York

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents successfully apprehended Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, a notorious Peruvian gang leader wanted for 23 murders in his home country. The 38-year-old, who is allegedly the leader of the violent gang “Los Killers,” was arrested on Thursday during a “targeted operation” in Endicott, New York.  Torres-Navarro had entered the United States on May 16 near Roma, Texas, and had been under surveillance ever since authorities were alerted to his criminal background a month ago.

Peruvian Gang Leader Wanted for 23 Murders Arrested in Upstate New York
Source: New York Post

ICE’s Firm Stance on Public Safety

Thomas P. Brophy, the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Buffalo Field Office Director, commended the efforts of the ICE agents involved in the operation. “Gianfranco Torres-Navarro poses a significant threat to our communities, and we won’t allow New York to be a haven for dangerous noncitizens,” Brophy stated. He praised the ERO Buffalo officers for their diligence and professionalism in bringing Torres-Navarro into custody, reinforcing ICE’s resolve to protect communities from violent criminals.

Torres-Navarro’s capture is particularly notable given his alleged leadership role in “Los Killers,” a gang that has terrorized parts of Peru with brutal violence. The gang is linked to numerous homicides and other serious crimes, making Torres-Navarro one of the most wanted fugitives in Peru. His arrest in New York highlights the importance of international cooperation in law enforcement and the effectiveness of ICE’s targeted operations.

Awaiting Extradition and Legal Proceedings

Following his arrest, Torres-Navarro was detained in a federal detention center in Batavia, New York, where he is currently being held. As of the time of publication, no attorney had been listed to represent him. His extradition to Peru is expected to follow, where he will face charges related to the 23 murders he is accused of orchestrating.

The case of Gianfranco Torres-Navarro serves as a stark reminder of the global nature of organized crime and the ongoing efforts of U.S. authorities to prevent dangerous individuals from exploiting the nation’s borders. ICE’s successful operation in capturing Torres-Navarro sends a clear message that the U.S. remains vigilant in its mission to safeguard public safety and uphold justice, both domestically and internationally.

Peruvian Gang Leader Wanted for 23 Murders Arrested in Upstate New York
Source: ABC News

This arrest not only brings a notorious criminal to justice but also highlights the critical role that ICE plays in maintaining national security. The agency’s collaboration with international law enforcement partners ensures that individuals like Torres-Navarro are unable to escape the consequences of their actions, no matter where they attempt to hide.

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