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Tax Credit Ban Backlash: IRS’s Flawed Policy Leaves Taxpayers in the Dark

IRS’s Flawed Two-Year Ban Policy: A Study Reveals

Taxpayers Left in the Dark: IRS’s Failure to Follow Own Rules

According to taxpayeradvocate, The IRS has a rule that bans people from getting certain tax credits for two years. But, a new study found that the IRS is not always following its own rules. This means that some people are getting in trouble when they shouldn’t be. The study looked at many cases and found that the IRS didn’t approve the ban in most of them.

The study also found that the IRS is not doing a good job of explaining why people are being banned from getting tax credits. This means that people are not understanding why they are being penalized. Additionally, the IRS is not trying to contact people who don’t respond to their audit notices. This can lead to unfair penalties.

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IRS Must Improve Transparency and Accountability: What’s Next for Taxpayers?

The Taxpayer Advocate thinks that the IRS needs to change its rules. They want the IRS to approve the ban before it happens, and to explain why people are being banned. They also want the IRS to try to contact people who don’t respond to audit notices. Unfortunately, the IRS has not agreed to make these changes. This means that some people may continue to struggle with unfair tax penalties.

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