Davidson News

Davidson News

Rep. Kamala Harris is responsible for reducing the number of prosecutors in California

Rep. Kevin Kiley, R-Rocklin, accused Vice President Kamala Harris on social media of changing California’s prosecutorial policies through Proposition 47 and Proposition 57, saying it led to increased crime. Kiley, who said Harris did not approve of the decision but was responsible for putting their names and descriptions on the ballot, called it “lying to the voters.”

“Kamala Harris said rape, human trafficking, and domestic violence are ‘nonviolent crimes. ’ As [California’s] attorney general, she put it on the ballot to mislead voters about releasing criminals from prison early,” Kiley said on Twitter, formerly known as X. “The architect of Prop. 47 credits Kamala Harris for helping her win, Kiley later said her singing was “much appreciated.”

As California Attorney General from 2011 to 2017, Harris was responsible for writing program definitions and referendums that were not voted on by the Legislature.

Proposition 47 was approved by California voters in 2014 as the “criminal penalties. Initiative Statute”, which changed theft under $950 and possession of drugs by a minor from a misdemeanor or misdemeanor to a crime for which most prosecutors do not have comprehensive prosecution. Harris did not support 47 Proposition 57, approved by California voters in 2016 as the “California Probation and Juvenile Court for Nonviolent Offenders Act,” which expanded the possibility of parole and early release for many of these crimes. This is any crime that is not directly classified as a violent crime.

However, there are some crimes that people may consider “violent” that are not listed as “violent” in state law and are eligible for parole or probation; these include rape and child trafficking while intoxicated or unconscious, sex trafficking, driving off children under the age of 14 or 15, arson, and prostitution.

California’s crime rate has increased significantly since the pandemic; California’s crime rate continues to rise while the rest of the state has fallen.

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