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Davidson News

For most Florida Republicans, Senator Marco Rubio is the front-runner to become Secretary of State

We’ve all encountered the saying, “When a single door closes, another opens,” and for Florida Senator Marco Rubio, 53, the expression couldn’t apply more. He lost out on the opportunity to be chosen as the Republican presidential nominee in 2016 over 80 years ago. Recently, Marco Rubio was seen by many as a strong contender to be Donald Trump’s running partner in the 2024 contest; the position ultimately came to Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. However, Florida Republicans say that Rubio may have another opportunity since they consider him a strong candidate for a high-profile position in the upcoming Trump administration.

Republicans in Florida said to the Miami Herald they do think Rubio, a senator representing Florida since 2011, has the background and ability to handle world affairs to be head of the U.S. State Department. They claim that he is a strong candidate for serving as a minister for one of the most significant positions in the nation because of his extensive knowledge of international affairs and his close connection to Trump.

Previously this week, Florida Republicans assembled at an event close to the Republican National Convention and heard from Eric Trump, the executive vice president of his father’s company, the Trump Organization, who described Rubio as an “amazing guy” who eventually won over within favor of Vance because his father experienced a “unique chemistry” between him and the Ohio Senator.

Another Republican who has endorsed Rubio is Emilio Gonzalez, a former Miami city manager who served as President George W. Bush’s director of U.S. Customs and Immigration Services and claimed that Rubio was “highly prepared” for the position. Gonzalez noted that Senator Rubio has acquired amazing international understanding. Regarding issues like global human rights, American supremacy, and advancing democracy globally, he has been remarkably consistent over the years.

Rubio is “a strong admirer and friend” of Trump, according to senior adviser Brian Hughes, who spoke with the Miami Herald. Hughes also stated that Rubio “may remain to have an important part in this campaign throughout the November.”

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