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Davidson News

In private, Nancy Pelosi informed Biden that if he stayed in the House, he might destroy the Democratic Party’s chances of winning the presidency in 2024

In a private meeting, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly informed President Biden that the chances suggest he will lose to Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

Additionally, Pelosi (D-Calif.) cautioned Biden (81), that his lengthy presidential reelection campaign may ruin Democrats’ prospects of taking the House in November, according to 4 people who spoke with CNN.

According to the story, the representative from California brought up various surveys that indicated Trump would defeat the current president throughout their private discussion.

Reportedly, Biden pulled back, assuring Pelosi that every poll he had seen suggested he would win reelection.

CNN stated that one of the people on the phone characterized Biden as “defensive.”

Pelosi brought longtime Biden advisor Mike Donilon on the phone to discuss the unsatisfactory facts throughout the call.

Pelosi and former President Barack Obama spoke privately about their issues regarding the elderly president’s candidacy just a week ago. It is unclear if Pelosi informed Biden that she thought he should withdraw from the presidential race.

Pelosi is the 4th leading member of the Democratic Party to express their increasing concern about Biden’s prospects of winning considering his terrible performance in their debate with Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) urged Biden to resign on Saturday.

On Wednesday, Jonathan Karl of ABC News stated, “Schumer strongly presented the argument that it might be better for Biden, best for the Democratic Party, and greater for the entire nation if he decided to drop out.”

Negative statistics, such as a poll that showed the incumbent to be the least popular member of his party, were an important topic in Schumer’s argument.

Twenty-one Democratic members of Congress have openly encouraged Biden to halt his campaign, but neither Pelosi nor Schumer have done so.

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