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Encino Crime Surge 2024: Residents Report 20-Year High in Break-Ins and Dog Pepper Spraying

Encino Faces Rising Crime: Break-Ins and Dog Pepper Spraying Leave Residents on Edge

Surge in Encino Break-Ins: Residents Report 20-Year High in Crime and Safety Concerns

In Encino, Los Angeles security images reveal a troubling scene as two men barely concealing their identities jump fences and break into homes off Ventura Boulevard, according to the published article of FOX 11 Los Angeles. Residents of the affected neighborhood which has also seen recent break-ins at popular restaurants like Maria’s Kitchen are growing increasingly frustrated. Despite assurances from politicians that crime rates are declining locals feel the reality on the ground tells a different story. One resident in particular expressed frustration over the rising crime highlighting the disconnect between official statements and their lived experiences. The community has rallied to combat this surge in crime utilizing popular neighborhood watch apps like Nextdoor and Citizen to share photos of the suspects and stay informed. Despite their best efforts including the use of alarms, gates, security systems and even dogs residents feel vulnerable.

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(PHOTO: FOX 11 Los Angeles)

Encino Break-Ins Spark Fear: Residents Consider Moving Amid Rising Crime Wave

One resident recounted a disturbing incident where burglars pepper-sprayed their dogs during a break-in underscoring the lengths these criminals will go to avoid detection. The residents’ collective vigilance however, has not been enough to completely deter these brazen acts leaving many feeling unsafe in their own homes. Long-time residents are now considering drastic measures such as moving out of the community they once cherished. “For the first time in 20 years, I am thinking perhaps we should move,” said one resident reflecting a sentiment echoed by many. Despite being a great community the ongoing crime wave has diminished their sense of security and peace. The LAPD is actively investigating the break-ins and has acknowledged the vital assistance from the community in tracking these suspects. However, until tangible results are seen the residents of Encino remain on edge hoping for a return to the tranquility they once enjoyed.

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