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Internet Providers Extend Discounted Plans for 23 Million Households Through 2024 Amid End of Federal Subsidies

Internet Providers Extend Discounted Plans for 23 Million Households as ACP Ends

Internet Providers Commit to Affordable Plans Through 2024 Amid Federal Subsidy Cuts

In a significant move to support low-income households more than a dozen internet service providers including major companies like AT&T, Comcast, Cox, Spectrum and Verizon have agreed to continue offering discounted internet plans through the end of 2024, according to the published article of THE HILL. This decision comes as the federal subsidies provided by the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) come to an end. The Biden administration announced this extension on Friday highlighting the importance of maintaining affordable internet access despite the cessation of federal funding. The ACP which has benefited over 23 million households by providing broadband discounts will cease its benefits starting Saturday due to a lack of funding.

Although the new agreements with the internet providers will help some households retain their low-cost internet plans the end of the ACP leaves many others at risk of losing affordable access. The Biden administration is urging Congress to pass an additional $6 billion in funding to extend the program and continue supporting these households. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chair Jessica Rosenworcel expressed her disappointment over the program’s end in a letter to Rep. Dave Joyce (R-Ohio) who chairs the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government. Rosenworcel emphasized the ongoing need for the ACP calling it the most successful broadband affordability program in the nation’s history.

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Internet Providers Urge $6 Billion in Funding to Sustain Affordable Connectivity for Low-Income Households

Furthermore, the continuation of these discounted plans is seen as a temporary but crucial measure to bridge the digital divide. The providers’ commitment ensures that millions of households will still have access to affordable internet which is essential for various aspects of daily life, including education, employment and healthcare. The initiative also underscores the critical role that private companies can play in addressing public needs particularly when government programs face funding challenges. Despite this temporary relief there is growing concern among advocates and policymakers about the long-term sustainability of affordable internet access. The Biden administration’s call for an additional $6 billion in funding highlights the urgency of the situation and the need for a more permanent solution to ensure that all Americans regardless of income can stay connected.

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