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Davidson News

$4M Contract for Environmental Hazmat Services to Tackle Homelessness Waste Crisis in Denver – City Also Addresses Border Crisis Spending Over $63M!

Protest Sparks Awareness

City Council Takes Environmental Hazmat Services Action

According to Just The News, Denver is facing a big problem after Jon Caldara who leads a think tank made a strong protest by leaving human waste at the City and County Building. This action reminded everyone about the city’s ongoing struggle with homelessness. As a result, the city council is taking action by planning to spend millions to clean up the mess left by homeless people in different parts of the city. They want to hire Environmental Hazmat Services Inc. to do the cleanup with a contract worth up to $4 million.

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$4M Contract for Environmental Hazmat Services to Tackle Homelessness Waste Crisis in Denver – City Also Addresses Border Crisis Spending Over $63M! (PHOTO: The Center Square)

Dual Challenges for Denver

This contract with Environmental Hazmat Services Inc. is a big step in dealing with the problem of waste left in public places. Environmental Hazmat Services Inc. will clean up everything from drug tools to fixing the areas damaged by homeless camps. With more than 5,800 homeless people in the city, it’s really important to clean up properly to keep everyone safe and healthy. Furthermore, Denver is also spending a lot of money on dealing with the border crisis. They’ve already spent over $63 million on more than 40,000 people coming from the southern border. With all these challenges Denver is trying hard to handle everything while making sure to take care of its residents’ needs.

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