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North Atlantic Right Whale #1950 Found Dead with Missing Calf

An endangered North Atlantic right whale, first sighted in 1989, has been discovered lifeless off the Virginia coast, as reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The heartbreaking news also brings the grim revelation of the missing offspring of the deceased mother.

North Atlantic Right Whale #1950 Found Dead with Missing Calf
Source: Wikipedia

Discovery and Identification of the Deceased Mother

The tragic find was made by HDR, Inc., during their Mid-Atlantic whale surveys for the Navy. The company promptly notified NOAA after spotting the carcass about 50 miles offshore, east of Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Virginia. Identified as #1950, this whale was a mother from the most recent calving season, having given birth to her sixth calf just this winter. However, her most recent offspring was conspicuously absent from the scene.

Impact of Mortality on the North Atlantic Right Whale Population

The loss of #1950 marks the 40th known mortality of North Atlantic right whales within the ongoing Unusual Mortality Event (UME) monitored by NOAA. Tragically, her calf is also considered a seriously injured dependent calf within the UME framework due to the death of its mother. Since the UME’s inception in 2017, a staggering total of 125 whales have been documented, with varying degrees of injury or sickness. The dire situation underscores the urgency of conservation efforts to preserve this critically endangered species.

Urgent Call to Action: Reporting Injured or Stranded Whales

The mortality of #1950 and her calf underscores the precarious situation facing North Atlantic right whales. With their population having plummeted by 35% over the last 13 years, urgent action is needed to protect these majestic creatures. NOAA urges individuals who encounter whales, whether dead or alive, to maintain a safe distance of 1,500 feet and promptly report any sightings of injured or stranded whales. Reporting can be done through the Greater Atlantic Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline at (866) 755-6622 or the Southeast Marine Mammal Stranding Hotline at (877) WHALE-HELP (877) 942-5343.

North Atlantic Right Whale #1950 Found Dead with Missing Calf
Source: Whale and Dolphin Conservation

In conclusion, the loss of North Atlantic right whale #1950 serves as a poignant reminder of the threats facing marine life and the urgent need for collective action to protect and preserve these magnificent creatures for future generations.

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