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Memphis and Birmingham Ranked as Worst Places to Live in the US for 2024

In a recent study conducted by Saturday Night Science, Memphis, Tennessee, and Birmingham, Alabama, have been identified as the worst cities to live in the United States for 2024. The study analyzed various factors including crime rates, unemployment rates, median incomes, and housing affordability to determine the rankings.

Memphis and Birmingham Ranked as Worst Places to Live in the US for 2024
Memphis and Birmingham Ranked as Worst Places to Live in the US for 2024

Memphis, TN:

Memphis secured the top spot on the list due to its alarming crime rates and economic challenges. With the second-highest crime rate in the country, residents face a 1 in 17.7 chance of being robbed and a 1 in 54 chance of becoming a victim of violent crime. Additionally, the city struggles with high unemployment, a significant dropout rate in adult education, and low median incomes and home prices.

Birmingham, AL:

Following closely behind, Birmingham earned the title of the worst city in America for 2024. The city grapples with a staggering unemployment rate, well above the national average, and widespread poverty. High crime rates further contribute to the city’s challenges, with residents facing a 1 in 15 chance of being robbed annually.

Other Cities on the List:

The study also highlighted other cities such as Dayton, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Cleveland, Ohio; Mobile, Alabama; Shreveport, Louisiana; Houston, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and Brownsville, Texas, among the worst places to live in the US for 2024.

Implications for Residents:

Residents of these cities may find themselves facing numerous socio-economic challenges, including limited job opportunities, high crime rates, and lower median incomes. While each city has its unique characteristics and strengths, the study underscores the importance of addressing underlying issues to improve overall quality of life for residents.


While every city has its pros and cons, the study sheds light on the significant challenges faced by residents of Memphis and Birmingham, as well as other cities across the United States. Addressing issues such as crime, unemployment, and poverty will be crucial in transforming these cities into more desirable places to live.

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