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Davidson News

3.75% Property Tax Hike Proposed for Elizabethtown Seniors – Discussing Inclusive School Plans!

Property Tax Increase Considered for Budget

Debate Emerges Over Tax Rebates for Low-Income Seniors

According to Lancaster Online, at the Elizabethtown Area school board meeting on March 12th, they discussed raising property taxes by 3.75% for next year’s budget. This property tax could help give low-income seniors a $500 or $250 tax rebate. Some board members worry about raising property taxes but others think it’s important to help seniors who struggle to pay taxes.

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3.75% Property Tax Hike Proposed for Elizabethtown Seniors – Discussing Inclusive School Plans! (PHOTO: Verite News)

Focus on Inclusivity and Cost Savings in School Improvements

They also talked about making schools more inclusive. They discussed plans for a new playground at Bear Creek School that would be accessible for all students including those with disabilities. Additionally, they looked at ways to save money on building projects like changing materials for the new fieldhouse. Next, they’ll keep working on the budget and making property tax decisions. They’re also thinking about getting legal advice from different lawyers to save money. Some people at the meeting were worried about the board’s connections with certain groups so they’re getting more feedback on who to hire for legal help.

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