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South Carolina Leaves Out Thousands of Kids from Summer EBT Program – Lawmakers Push for Change!

South Carolina Opts Out of Federal Summer EBT Program

Summer EBT Program Excluded from South Carolina’s Assistance Initiatives

According to ABC 15 News, South Carolina chose not to join a federal program called Summer EBT program which would give extra help to families with low incomes when school is out. Some lawmakers wanted it in the state budget but they didn’t succeed. This EBT program used by 36 other states, would have given $40 each month to eligible students to buy food, but South Carolina said no.

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South Carolina Leaves Out Thousands of Kids from Summer EBT Program – Lawmakers Push for Change! (PHOTO: WCIV)

Advocates Push for Inclusion of Summer EBT Program 

Representative Marvin Pendarvis and others are upset that South Carolina declined the Summer EBT program which helps kids who rely on school meals. They worry about families not having enough food in the summer despite existing food programs. Pendarvis hopes the EBT program might still be added next year or even this year if the governor changes his mind believing it’s vital for the government to prioritize helping those in need, particularly children.

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SC declines federal summer EBT program aimed at aiding low-income families

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