Davidson News

Davidson News

DJ Stacey, Manhattan’s Beloved Dies at 57

In the early hours of Saturday morning, Anastasia Ledwith, known as DJ Stacey to many, met a tragic fate on the streets of New York City. Riding her gas-powered Roughhouse Sport scooter near her Upper West Side home, she attempted to navigate around an oil delivery truck when the unexpected occurred. As Ledwith tried to overtake the truck, her scooter collided with its side, causing her to fall under its tires. Despite wearing a helmet and her scooter being properly licensed, the collision proved fatal. The scene, just a block from her home, left witnesses in shock as sparks flew from the lodged scooter scraping against the pavement.

DJ Stacey, Manhattan's Beloved Dies at 57
Source: New York Daily News

Remembering DJ Stacey’s Legacy

Anastasia Ledwith, aged 57, led a vibrant life as DJ Stacey, delighting crowds with her music in venues across New York City and Fire Island for over two decades. Her passion for music was evident to all who knew her, and her infectious energy made her a beloved figure in both the local and Long Island communities.

Tributes to a Beloved Figure

Valerie Perez, Ledwith’s wife of six years, fondly recalls her partner’s zest for life and unwavering love for others. Whether spinning tracks at a club or sharing laughs with patrons at Blondie’s, DJ Stacey’s presence brought joy to all around her. Her commitment to her craft and her genuine care for her audience endeared her to many, leaving behind a legacy of warmth and camaraderie.

A Loss Felt by Many

Ledwith’s untimely passing has left a void in the hearts of those who knew her. As friends, family, and fans mourn her loss, memories of her infectious spirit and boundless enthusiasm for life serve as a testament to the impact she made on those around her. Though gone too soon, DJ Stacey’s legacy will live on through the music and memories she shared with countless individuals throughout her life.

DJ Stacey, Manhattan's Beloved Dies at 57
Source: Thotyssey

Honoring a Life Cut Short

As investigations into the accident continue, the loss of Anastasia Ledwith serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. In the wake of this tragedy, the outpouring of love and support from the community reflects the profound impact DJ Stacey had on the lives of so many. Though her time with us was brief, her memory will forever remain in the hearts of those who knew and loved her.

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