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Biden Administration Under Fire: 7.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Enter US

Surge in Illegal Southwest Border Crossings

Border Encounters Under Biden Administration Outpace Previous Records

(PHOTO: Biden Administration Under Fire: 7.2 Million Illegal Immigrants Enter US)

According to American Military News, data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shows that over 7.3 million people have entered the U.S. illegally across the southwest border since President Biden took office. This number is higher than the populations of more than 35 states. CBP reports that there have been about 7.3 million encounters along the southwest border under the Biden administration. Fox News reports that in the fiscal year that started in October there have been over 961,500 border encounters. If the current rate continues, the number could surpass last year’s record of 2.4 million southwest border encounters.

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Surge in Illegal Border Crossings Under Biden Administration Alarming

Fox News reported that the number of encounters with illegal immigrants along the southwest border (7,298,486) is greater than the population of most U.S. states (36 in total). The increase in encounters during the Biden administration is so substantial that if a city were to be built for each illegal immigrant apprehended, it would become the second-largest city in the United States. When accounting for an estimated 1.8 million “gotaways,” or undetected border crossings, the total number of illegal crossings would exceed the population of New York City.

Ira Mehlman, representing the Federation for American Immigration Reform, stated on Fox News that undocumented immigrants have come to understand that the current Biden administration is unlikely to deport them.

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