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Austin Suggested to Consider Broader Campaign for Pentagon US Retaliation Against Iran for Jordan Strike

In response to the deadly attack on three U.S. troops in Jordan by Iranian-backed militants, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III suggests a potential broader campaign for US retaliation against Iran targeting Iranian capabilities. The US retaliation against Iran, expected to go beyond traditional one-off raids, aims to diminish Iran’s influence and capabilities, according to Austin’s statements from Air & Space Forces Magazine.

Austin Suggested to Consider Broader Campaign for Pentagon US Retaliation Against Iran for Jordan Strike (Photo: The Hill)

US Retaliation Against Iran Strategy

Defense Secretary Austin emphasizes the need for a comprehensive response to Iranian-backed attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East. The recent strike in Jordan, which claimed the lives of three soldiers, has prompted considerations for a more proactive and sustained approach.

Austin dismisses the effectiveness of a mere tit-for-tat response, stating that it’s time to strip Iran of more capabilities than ever before. The Defense Secretary underscores the collaboration between Iran and militant groups responsible for targeting U.S. forces.

While President Joe Biden has indicated a decision on the response, Austin remains tight-lipped about specifics. The proposal for a broader campaign reflects a shift from previous retaliatory measures that failed to deter Iran and its proxies.

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A Call for De-escalation Amidst Regional Tensions

Amid rising tensions, Austin addresses concerns about potential escalation and emphasizes the U.S.’s success in preventing the Gaza crisis from evolving into a broader regional conflict.

Acknowledging ongoing challenges, Austin assures that the U.S. remains vigilant against Iranian proxy groups and Houthi rebels. Recent strikes on Houthi missile and sensor sites indicate the commitment to maintaining freedom of navigation in the region.

READ ALSO: US Military Navigates Response Strategy After Deadly Drone Attack In Jordan: Plans Revealed

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