Davidson News

Bottoms Up: Pennsylvania City Tops the List as the Drunkest in the United States

In 2023, State College, Pennsylvania, was named the most inebriated city in the United States of America by 24/7 Wall Street. The study determined which cities had the greatest rates of binge drinking and excessive drinking by analyzing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With 22.5% of adults in the state admitting frequent binge drinking or heavy drinking, State College was found to be the most alcohol-dependent community.

The high placement of State College on this list could be attributed to various things. Pennsylvania State University, which has a sizable student body, is located in the city. Compared to adults in other age groups, students are more likely to binge drink. In 2022, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism conducted research which revealed that 26.8% of college students had engaged in binge drinking within the previous two weeks.

Furthermore, there are a lot of eateries and bars in State College, which can make it simpler for residents to obtain alcohol. State College has 3.7 bars per 10,000 persons, more than twice the national average, according to a 2023 24/7 Wall Street research.

Listed below are a few of the elements that make State College, Pennsylvania, the most drunken city in the country:

  • Large Student Population:

Pennsylvania State University, which has a substantial student body, is located in State College. Statistically speaking, college students are statistically more likely than individuals in other age groups to participate in binge drinking. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism released survey results from 2022, and 26.8% of college students said they had engaged in binge drinking over the previous two weeks.

  • Abundance of Alcohol Outlets:

Because there are so many bars and restaurants in State College, alcohol is easily accessible. According to a 2023 24/7 Wall Street research, the city has 3.7 bars per 10,000 residents, which is more than the national average.

  • Stressful Environment:

Many State College residents experience stress due to the comparatively high cost of living, which exacerbates anxiety. Stress can be increased by financial hardships and the busy metropolitan environment, which may lead people to turn to alcohol as a coping method.

  • Mental Health Issues:

Abuse of alcohol is also associated with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. An alcohol use disorder is twice as likely to develop among people with mental health disorders, according to a 2018 study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.


It is critical to understand that these elements are but a small portion of the intricate network of factors that contribute to State College’s high standing among the cities with the highest DUI rates. In order to fully comprehend the underlying problems, more research is required.

Many detrimental effects result from excessive alcohol use, such as an increased risk of mishaps, injuries, and violence; health issues like heart disease and liver damage; the emergence of alcoholism and addiction; and social and financial challenges like losing one’s job and experiencing domestic unrest.




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