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Houston Woman Sues Dollar Tree After Store Assault Incident

A Houston woman has filed a lawsuit against Dollar Tree, alleging that the corporation’s negligence led to her being sexually assaulted inside one of its stores in December 2023.

Houston Woman Sues Dollar Tree After Store Assault Incident
Source: Fox 5 DC

Details of the Incident

The incident occurred when she visited the store to purchase items for a work event. While browsing an aisle, an unidentified man approached her, making sexually explicit comments. Feeling “disgusted,” she quickly moved away and informed her friend that they needed to leave. At the register, the woman noticed the man exiting the store on a bicycle. After paying for her items and returning to her car, her friend pointed out a substance on her sweatshirt. She realized that the man had sexually assaulted her while making vulgar remarks inside the store. Shocked and distressed, she hurried home to change and shower, trying to shake off the disturbing encounter.

Reporting the Assault

Upon reaching home, the woman contacted her sister, a police officer, who advised her to preserve the evidence and report the incident. She returned to Dollar Tree with her friend and reported the assault to a store clerk. Shockingly, the clerk informed her manager, saying, “We got another one,” indicating that similar assaults had happened recently. The clerk disclosed that this was the third assault in four days by a man matching the assailant’s description. The woman immediately called the police, who arrived and took her statement. She provided towels with the alleged assailant’s DNA to the officers. Despite being told that cameras were present in the store, the manager later denied that footage of the incident existed.

Store Security and Legal Actions

A security guard at the shopping center confirmed to the woman that there had been similar incidents reported before her assault. The guard drove her around the area to identify the assailant, but she was unable to do so. Despite the store’s claim of having security cameras, the manager’s denial of footage raised questions about the store’s security measures. Since the assault, the woman has suffered from severe mental anguish, emotional distress, and trauma. She experiences nightmares, significant anxiety, fearfulness, and distrust of others, particularly men. In response to these ongoing issues, she is seeking over $1 million in monetary relief.

Houston Woman Sues Dollar Tree After Store Assault Incident
Source: YouTube

Dollar Tree’s Response

Dollar Tree has acknowledged awareness of the lawsuit but has refrained from commenting on the pending litigation. A spokesperson for the company stated, “We take the situation very seriously and are committed to providing a safe shopping environment for our customers.” This case highlights serious concerns regarding store security and customer safety. The woman’s lawsuit underscores the need for retailers to ensure that their premises are secure and that they take prompt action to address and prevent such incidents. The outcome of this case could lead to increased scrutiny of security practices in retail environments and potential changes to policies to better protect customers from similar assaults.

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