Davidson News

Colorado Lawmakers Strike Deal on Property Tax Bill, Promising Significant Savings

Colorado Lawmakers Strike Deal on Property Tax Bill, Promising Significant Savings

In a bipartisan effort, Colorado lawmakers have come to an agreement on a property tax bill just days before the end of the legislative session. The bill, hailed as a compromise between leading Republicans and Democrats, aims to provide relief to property owners while ensuring sustainable funding for essential services. Republican state Sen. Barb Kirkmeyer … Read more

Houston Mayor Proposes Property Tax Increase for $1.3B Firefighter Deal

Houston Mayor Proposes Property Tax Increase for $1.3B Firefighter Deal

In a bid to fulfill a $1.3 billion agreement aimed at boosting Houston firefighters’ salaries, Mayor John Whitmire has put forward a proposition for a potential tax hike. This proposal, if approved by voters, could result in a $15 per month increase in property taxes for homeowners in Houston. The need to secure funding for … Read more