Davidson News

Davidson News

New Shingles Vaccine Shows Promise in Delaying Dementia

New Shingles Vaccine Shows Promise in Delaying Dementia

Recent research offers new hope in the battle against dementia, revealing that the latest shingles vaccine may delay the onset of this memory-impairing condition. Published in Nature Medicine, the study found that individuals vaccinated with the new shingles shot experienced a delay in dementia diagnosis by an average of 164 days compared to those who … Read more

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Surprising Factors Linked to Early-Onset Dementia

Research Challenges Previous Beliefs, Offers Hope for Prevention Strategies A comprehensive study conducted by the University of Exeter and Maastricht University has identified a range of factors, including drinking, depression, and vitamin D deficiency, that may contribute to early-onset dementia. The research, examining 15 risk factors and involving over 350,000 British participants, challenges the longstanding … Read more