Davidson News

Davidson News

Colorado Crime Trends: Adams County Emerges as Summer Hotspot for Violent Crime

Colorado Crime Trends: Adams County Emerges as Summer Hotspot for Violent Crime

In the realm of safety considerations, it’s not just where you go but when you go that matters. Delving into crime statistics in Colorado, particularly crimes against persons (CAPs), sheds light on seasonal fluctuations in violence. The analysis, focusing on data spanning from 2008 to 2021, highlights intriguing trends that can inform decisions about when … Read more

Exploring U.S. Crime Trends: From Alaska to Alabama, Urban Hotspots and National Stories Shape the Narrative

Mixed Bag of Insights: Recent U.S. Crime Data Reveals Both Declines and Resurgence State-by-State Analysis: Alaska and Alabama Highlighted as Top Concerns in Latest Crime Trends According to AL, The recent crime trends in the U.S. shows good and bad news. From 1995 to 2015, violent crime went down, which was comforting. But in recent … Read more