Davidson News

Davidson News

Vietnam’s Diplomatic Tightrope: Navigating Between the U.S. and China

Xi Jinping’s Visit to Vietnam Shows Stable Relations Vietnam’s Diplomacy: Protecting Independence Amid Major Power Relations According to Globely News, Before the U.S. and Vietnam announced their “comprehensive strategic partnership” in September 2023, some thought China would react poorly. However, China’s response was measured, and President Xi Jinping visited Vietnam soon after President Biden. The … Read more

China Imposes Sanctions on US Defense Corporations Over Taiwan Arms Sales

The escalating diplomatic tensions between China and the United States. China imposes sanctions on US over arms sales to Taiwan. China Imposes Sanctions on US Defense Corporations Yeni Safak – China imposes sanctions on US, the two well-known American defense companies, Lockheed Martin Corporation and Northrop Grumman Corporation. This decision comes as a response to … Read more