Davidson News

California Budget Deal Reached to Close $47 Billion Deficit

California Budget Deal Reached to Close $47 Billion Deficit

California’s Democratic leaders and Governor Gavin Newsom have agreed on a $297.9 billion budget to address a $47 billion shortfall. This deal includes funding for homelessness programs, prison budget cuts, and a delayed healthcare worker minimum wage increase. The budget, effective from July 1, 2024, includes an 8% cut in state operations and utilization of … Read more

California Budget Showdown: Newsom’s Cuts vs. Legislative Priorities

California Budget Cutting Costs, Cutting Crime? California Budget Going Green, Spending Green? According to daily caller, California Governor Gavin Newsom has a plan to fix the state’s big money problem. He wants to cut some money from the prison system and the justice department. This will make it harder for police to do their jobs … Read more