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Former Stoughton Police Officer Arrested for Killing Sandra Birchmore While she was Pregnant

Matthew Farwell, a former detective with the Stoughton, Massachusetts police department, has been indicted for the murder of Sandra Birchmore, a 23-year-old woman who was found dead in her Canton apartment in February 2021. Birchmore was three months pregnant at the time of her death and had informed Farwell that she believed he was the father. Initially ruled as a suicide, her death has now been classified as a homicide following a grand jury indictment filed on Tuesday in federal court.

Former Stoughton Police Officer Arrested for Killing Sandra Birchmore While she was Pregnant
Source: New York Post

Grooming, Abuse, and a Tragic End

The indictment alleges that Farwell strangled Birchmore to death and then staged the scene to make it appear as though she had taken her own life. Farwell’s alleged actions are described as calculated and deliberate, with federal prosecutors stating that he “engaged in sexual intercourse and other sex acts with Birchmore” before she turned 16. Birchmore had been a participant in the Stoughton Police Explorers Academy, a youth program for aspiring law enforcement professionals, where Farwell was a volunteer instructor. The indictment outlines how Farwell, then 27, began grooming and sexually exploiting Birchmore when she was just 15 years old and continued the abuse into her adulthood.

In the days leading up to her death, Birchmore reportedly texted someone that Farwell had asked for a key to her apartment and had behaved oddly, inspecting her closet and bathroom. She was found dead with a duffle bag strap tied around her neck and connected to the closet door Farwell had been seen inspecting. This evidence, along with findings from a doctor interviewed by federal prosecutors, contradicted the original suicide ruling and further confirmed that Birchmore’s death was a homicide.

Arrest and Ongoing Investigations

Farwell was arrested on Wednesday morning at a shopping plaza in Revere by a SWAT team. He has been charged with killing a witness or victim, a crime that carries a mandatory life sentence if convicted. The death penalty is also a possibility, though federal authorities have not yet decided whether to pursue it. At a press conference, acting U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts Joshua Levy condemned Farwell’s actions, describing them as “depraved” and a “gross betrayal” of his sworn oath as a police officer. Stoughton Police Chief Donna McNamara echoed these sentiments, calling Birchmore’s death a “horrific injustice” and expressing deep concern over the allegations against the former officer.

Family’s Legal Battle and Public Outcry

The Birchmore family has been outspoken in pursuing justice, filing a civil lawsuit against the Stoughton Police Department, the town, and the three former officers involved. The lawsuit alleges that the department failed to protect Birchmore and allowed a pattern of abuse unchecked. A pathologist hired by the family concluded that Birchmore’s death was not a suicide but a murder caused by strangulation, findings that federal prosecutors have since supported.

Former Stoughton Police Officer Arrested for Killing Sandra Birchmore While she was Pregnant
Source: Newsweek

Federal Prosecution

As the case moves forward, federal authorities continue to gather evidence and explore the full extent of Farwell’s alleged crimes. The investigation remains active, with the possibility of additional charges being brought against others who may have been involved in or aware of the abuse Birchmore suffered. Farwell’s arrest marks a significant step in what has been a long and painful journey for Birchmore’s family and those seeking justice on her behalf. The upcoming detention hearing on September 10 will be closely watched as the legal process unfolds.

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