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Unlock Your Retirement Potential: When to Claim Social Security?

When to Claim Social Security: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself

Maximize Your Retirement Income: Should You Wait or Claim Early?

According to Fool, Think about your money. Do you need Social Security to live comfortably? If so, you might want to wait until age 70. This will give you more money each month. But if you’re already doing well financially, you might not need the extra cash. You can claim it early and retire sooner.

Your health is also important. Do you think you’ll live a long time? If so, you might want to wait until age 70 to get more money. But if you’re not feeling well or might not live long, claiming early might be a better choice. This way, you’ll get more money in total, even if each check is smaller.

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Unlock Your Retirement Potential: When to Claim Social Security? (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Plan Your Dream Retirement: Early or Delayed Benefits?

Finally, think about what you want in retirement. Do you want to travel, spend time with family, or pursue your hobbies? Make sure you’re thinking about how your Social Security benefits will help you achieve your goals. By answering these questions, you’ll be able to decide when to claim your benefits and have a happy retirement.

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