Davidson News

The people of radioactive Treasure Island charge Kamala Harris of covering corruption

Former Treasure Island homeowners said Kamala Harris was complicit in the cover-up of fraud by lawmakers and businessmen who urged for the construction of million-dollar residences on the site of a former nuclear army training facility. The radioactive waste on the island and its concealment by politicians and government entities in charge of Californians’ well-being and security sickened and poisoned many inhabitants, kids, and soldiers.

On March 14, 2019, 2 former residents, Felita Sample, and Andre Patterson charged California Senator Kamala Harris, who is currently campaigning for President of the United States, of obstructing justice and participating in an illegal cover-up at the radioactively polluted Treasure Island site.

At the previous US Navy nuclear testing center, radioactive waste polluted Sample and Patterson. They were there at a news conference held by Tetra Tech employees who were nuclear safety and health activists who had fabricated test findings in the $1 billion Eco-fraud case. The biggest eco-fraud in US history, yet none of the large corporate media outlets have reported on it. Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and prior San Francisco mayors, such as Willie Brown, who aided Kamala Harris in beginning her career as the district attorney of San Francisco, concealed this eco-fraud crime.

While Brown was leading the California Assembly, Harris, who had been seeing her, placed her in a highly paid government joblessness commission and contributed to her rise to political prominence.

Neither Sample nor Patterson are cancer patients who claim that the extremely polluted Naval nuclear training station on the island was a direct cause of their tumors.

Before she was elected to the US Senate, Kamala Harris served as the attorney general of California and the attorney general of San Francisco. She was directly aware of the numerous accusations that Tetra Tech had falsified test results at both the Hunters Point shipyard and SF Treasure Island.

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