Davidson News

Davidson News

Factors Kamala shouldn’t be president that are not because she’s a female

So, it appears that childless cat woman Kamala Harris has almost earned her nomination for the party’s run for president, indicating not only that America is at risk of becoming ruled by an individual with no direct investment in the country. However, we will have to endure MONTHS of waking up complaining regarding “women,” “sexism,” “history,” “declaring her name correctly,” and, most likely, pantsuits. My girl’s mind is already exhausted.”

Here are the main factors for why Kamala cannot be president, none of which have anything to do with her gender.

Seriously, have you seen Kamala Harris giggle?

Liberal insiders will label the GOP’s collection of Harris laughing as “unhinged” or “hysterically desperate,” but guess what? A captivating laugh is essential for a presidential president.

That is why you are undoubtedly filled with vivid memories of Donald Trump’s chuckle, which we have definitely experienced. Kamala’s guffaw has some obvious problems: It is visible, lasts longer than a second, and is in an unpleasant pitch higher than a deep bass.

Is it too much to expect that our president’s laughter be equally loud and quiet, feminine and manly? No, it isn’t.

Please do not get me talking about the way Harris dresses

Kamala was wearing combinations that were, may we say, different from each other in every way. This is very un-presidential! Harris made it obvious that she would support chaos at every step, from the huge sequin jacket she carried at Pride to those strangely professional (boring) girl suits. She has worn both colors and formal shapes that have altered more than somewhat since electricity arrived at the White House.

Think it’s only because she’s a woman? FEMINAZI, THINK AGAIN! Perhaps someone forgot about the tan suit dressed by a MAN, which harmed an otherwise faultless world impression of what happens on in the Oval Office.

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