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Death Valley Tourist Hospitalized After Severe Burns

A traveler to Death Valley National Park was rescued and hospitalized on Saturday after suffering third-degree burns on his feet. The park is currently experiencing scorching summer temperatures, as highlighted in a press release by the National Park Service (NPS).

Death Valley Tourist Hospitalized After Severe Burns
Source: New York Post

Dangerous Heat: A Walk Turns Perilous

The 42-year-old man from Belgium was exploring the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, a popular area in the park known for its stunning sunrises and sunsets and its namesake mesquite trees. Park rangers believe that the man’s flip-flops either broke or were lost in the sand, forcing him to walk barefoot on the scorching surface. “The ground temperature would have been much hotter than the air temperature, which was around 123°F,” the NPS stated in the release. The extreme heat of the sand quickly led to the man suffering third-degree burns. His family immediately called for help, and park rangers arrived to carry him to the parking lot.

Emergency Response and Medical Evacuation

Given the severity of his burns and the intense pain he was experiencing, park rangers determined that the man needed urgent hospital care. Third-degree burns are serious injuries that damage layers of the skin down to the tissue, and they can affect bones, muscles, and tendons. The extreme temperatures in Death Valley made it unsafe for a medevac helicopter to land directly in the park. Instead, the man was transported by ambulance to a higher elevation with slightly cooler temperatures. From there, a helicopter was able to safely pick him up and transport him to University Medical Center in Las Vegas.

Safety Precautions for Death Valley Visitors

This incident underscores the dangers posed by Death Valley’s extreme heat. Park rangers have been actively warning visitors about the park’s summer temperatures, which can range between 100°F and 130°F. Death Valley, located primarily in California, holds the record as the hottest, driest, and lowest national park in the United States, making it a notable but potentially dangerous destination for travelers. “Park rangers recommend that summer travelers to Death Valley National Park stay within a 10-minute walk of an air-conditioned vehicle, avoid hiking after 10 a.m., drink plenty of water, eat salty snacks, and wear a hat and sunscreen,” the NPS advised. These precautions are essential to prevent heat-related illnesses and injuries.

Death Valley Tourist Hospitalized After Severe Burns
Source: WDSU

As temperatures continue to rise, the importance of adhering to safety guidelines cannot be overstated. This rescue operation highlights the vital role of the park rangers and emergency responders who work tirelessly to ensure the safety of visitors. The Belgian tourist’s ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers of extreme heat and the need for proper preparation and caution when visiting Death Valley.

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