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15 Things to Know Before Moving to California in 2024

California, home to over 39.51 million people, is a land of diverse cultures, thriving businesses, and vibrant cities. It’s a magnet for young professionals seeking a dynamic and prosperous life. If you’re enticed by the California dream and ready to make it your reality, ensure you’re well-prepared. This guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge needed to make your transition as smooth as possible.

15 Things to Know Before Moving to California in 2024
15 Things to Know Before Moving to California in 2024

1. Owning a Vehicle is Almost a Necessity

Unless you plan to settle in urban areas like downtown Los Angeles, where public transport is well-developed, owning a vehicle in California is nearly indispensable. The state’s vast towns and cities often have inadequate public transport coverage. Coupled with notorious traffic in some parts, owning a car becomes essential.

2. Enjoy the Scenic Drives

Driving in California can feel like a joy ride, thanks to breathtaking views on some roads. Highway 1, for example, offers a scenic coastal drive that will make you fall in love with California even more.

3. Embrace California’s Direct Democracy

California is known for its direct democracy, highlighted by voter-driven initiatives like Proposition 8 in 2008. This system allows residents to initiate petitions and, with enough signatures, bring proposals to the ballot, providing a unique chance to directly affect legislation.

4. The Top-Tier Higher Education System

California boasts the largest public university system in the country, offering competitive in-state tuition rates. The state also hosts numerous private institutions, community colleges, and vocational schools, providing a plethora of options for students.

5. California May Not Fix Your Problems

A psychological study found that Californians are not necessarily happier than Midwesterners, despite the sunny beaches and mild weather. A change of location may not equate to a drastic shift in emotional well-being.

6. North vs. South California Rivalry

Distinct cultural differences mark Northern and Southern California, and locals tend to playfully pick at each other. Weather is a key factor—San Francisco’s foggy climate is vastly different from San Diego’s sunny weather. This rivalry extends to lifestyle, culture, and cuisine.

7. Nature Enthusiasts Will Thrive

California offers abundant opportunities for outdoor activities. From national parks to scenic beaches, there are plenty of places to hike, surf, swim, and camp. The state’s commitment to environmental preservation also makes it ideal for environmentally conscious individuals.

8. Knowing Spanish is an Advantage

Spanish is widely spoken in California. Learning Spanish can widen your social circle and make communication easier in many parts of the state. Additionally, California’s multicultural environment offers exposure to various languages, cuisines, and traditions.

9. Heart of America’s Agricultural Sector

California is a major contributor to the nation’s agricultural output. The state’s farm-to-table culture means fresh produce is abundant, making meals a delightful experience and maintaining a healthy diet easier.

10. Fitness Culture is Huge

Californians are big on staying fit. From outdoor sports to yoga studios and gym facilities, there are countless opportunities to lead an active lifestyle. The state’s emphasis on health and fitness is evident in its urban areas.

11. High Tax Rates

California’s income tax rates are high, especially for those with substantial incomes. This finances the state’s numerous amenities, but it’s worth considering when planning a move. However, lower-than-average property taxes can alleviate some of this burden.

12. High Cost of Living

The cost of living in California is generally higher than in many other states. From groceries to gas prices, daily expenses can add up, so it’s essential to factor this into your budgeting plans.

13. Housing Affordability Issues

Housing affordability is a significant concern in California. In some cities, even well-paid professionals struggle to afford housing due to restrictive zoning laws and limited supply. The rental market is also competitive, with steep rental rates and properties getting snapped up quickly.

14. Risks of Natural Disasters

California is prone to natural disasters such as wildfires, mudslides, and earthquakes. It’s essential to be aware of these risks and how they influence homeowners’ insurance rates.

15. Hub for Renewable Energy

California is a leader in renewable energy experimentation, particularly solar energy. The state’s robust infrastructure for electric vehicles also aligns with its environmental initiatives and goals.


California, with its iconic attractions and natural beauty, is a top destination for tourists and residents alike. From stunning coastlines to vibrant cities, the Golden State offers a unique lifestyle. Being prepared for the challenges and opportunities that come with living in California will ensure you can fully embrace everything this diverse state has to offer.

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