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Davidson News

Oregon on the Brink of a Financial Revolution: The Truth About Universal Basic Income

Oregon Gets Ready to Vote on Revolutionary Universal Basic Income

What is UBI and How Could it Affect Your Life?

Accoridng to TheSuns, Oregon is getting ready to vote on a big idea. This idea is called Universal Basic Income, or UBI for short. UBI means that every person in Oregon would get some money every year. The amount would be around $750.

Anyone who lives in Oregon could get this money, no matter how old they are or how much money they make. A family of four would get four rebates, which is like getting $3,000. They could use this money to buy whatever they need or want.

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Oregon on the Brink of a Financial Revolution: The Truth About Universal Basic Income (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Could Oregon’s Vote Make History with Universal Basic Income?

If the people of Oregon vote yes on this idea, Oregon would be one of the first states to try UBI. This could be a big help to people who are struggling financially. The people of Oregon are excited to see if this idea will really work and make a difference in their lives.

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