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California Allocates $1 Billion in Grants to Combat Homelessness in 2024-25 Budget

California Budget Agreement Includes $1 Billion for Homelessness Grants in 2024-25

Governor Newsom, Legislators Secure $1 Billion for Homelessness Grants in California Budget Deal

In a significant development for California’s ongoing battle against homelessness Governor Gavin Newsom and state legislators have reached a budget agreement that includes $1 billion in grants for municipalities to combat homelessness, according to the published article of THE SACRAMENTO BEE. This funding will be part of the 2024-25 budget continuing the Homeless Housing Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) program which has been vital for cities and counties across the state. The deal announced on Saturday by Newsom, Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas ensures that these grants will be accompanied by increased accountability measures. Although the budget will cut $260 million from the current fifth round of HHAP funding the overall budget aims to address California’s estimated $45 billion deficit while preserving crucial programs. Governor Newsom praised the nearly $300 billion budget deal emphasizing its role in setting California on a path towards long-term fiscal stability. “We’re making sure to preserve programs that serve millions of Californians including key funding for education, health care, expanded behavioral health services and combating homelessness” Newsom said. The continuation of HHAP funding alleviates the concerns of local leaders who had come to rely on these grants to support their homelessness initiatives.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria highlighted the importance of the funding noting that more than half of the city’s shelter beds are funded by HHAP and the loss of this funding would have been catastrophic. The additional funding will allow cities like San Diego to continue expanding their services and reach more Americans in need. The importance of state support is echoed by Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg who noted that nearly all of Sacramento’s emergency shelter beds are funded by state dollars. Since 2019 HHAP funds have significantly increased the number of shelter beds in the city helping to reduce unsheltered homelessness by 41% according to the latest Point in Time Count. “We are grateful that the governor and Legislature agreed on a responsible budget that allows us to continue pushing on the biggest problem we face,” Steinberg stated. The agreement underscores the commitment of California’s leadership to tackle homelessness and provide essential services to the state’s most vulnerable populations.

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(PHOTO: CallMatters)

$1 Billion Allocated for Homelessness Grants in California’s 2024-25 Budget Agreement

Furthermore, this budget agreement marks a crucial victory for municipalities that have been heavily dependent on state funding to sustain their homelessness prevention efforts. Local leaders across California had voiced their concerns about potential cuts to HHAP funding stressing that these grants are instrumental in providing shelter and essential services to the homeless population. The restoration and continuation of this $1 billion funding demonstrate a unified commitment between the governor and the legislature to address the homelessness crisis comprehensively and effectively. San Diego’s efforts to increase shelter capacity for instance have been directly supported by HHAP funds. Mayor Todd Gloria emphasized that without this funding the city’s goal of adding another 1,000 shelter beds would be unattainable. The agreement not only ensures the maintenance of current shelter capacities but also enables expansion to meet growing demands.

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