Davidson News

California’s Middle-Class Tax Refund: Everything You Need to Know About Eligibility, Refund Amounts, and Troubleshooting Issues

Many Californians Still Waiting for Middle-Class Tax Refund

Eligibility and Refund Amounts for Middle-Class Tax Refund

According to Audacy, Many people in California who were supposed to get a special refund called the Middle-Class Tax Refund have not received it yet. According to recent reports, over 9.6 million people got a refund on a debit card, but only 90% of them have used it. This means that more than 600,000 people are still waiting to get their money.

The Middle-Class Tax Refund was created to help people in California who were struggling with high prices due to inflation. To qualify you had to have filed your taxes from 2020 by October 15, 2021 and make less than $500,000 a year. The amount of the refund was between $200 and $1,050. The California Franchise Tax Board started sending out the refunds in October 2022 and January 2023.

READ ALSO: Get Your Refund Faster: Insider Tips for a Speedy Tax Refund

California’s Middle-Class Tax Refund: Everything You Need to Know About Eligibility, Refund Amounts, and Troubleshooting Issues (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

Trouble with Your Middle-Class Tax Refund? We’ve Got You Covered!

If you’re still waiting for your refund or having trouble with your debit card don’t worry! Some people can help you. You can call 1-800-240-0223 if you need help activating your card or if it was stolen or lost. You can also find more information about the Middle-Class Tax Refund by clicking on a link provided by the California Franchise Tax Board.

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