An Illinois man, John P. Shadbar, previously charged with attempted murder, now faces accusations of committing a hate crime during an incident where he allegedly shot and injured his neighbor on Tuesday in Lockport Township. The victim, a 45-year-old woman, remains in critical condition following the shooting, as reported by the Will County Sheriff’s Office. Shadbar, 70, is currently held in jail without bond, facing a slew of charges including hate crime, aggravated battery, and aggravated discharge of a firearm.

Standoff and Arrest
Following the shooting incident, Shadbar retreated into his home, prompting a standoff with law enforcement. The Will County Sheriff’s Office detailed on Facebook that crisis negotiators successfully persuaded him to surrender peacefully. Subsequently, Shadbar was apprehended and taken into custody for questioning. The victim sustained a gunshot wound to her chest, requiring surgery for her critical injuries.
Seizure of Weapons
Law enforcement officers executed a search of Shadbar’s residence, where they confiscated five firearms, including a shotgun, two handguns, and two AK-47-style rifles. Among these weapons, one of the AK-47 rifles is believed to be the firearm used in the shooting, according to authorities. Additionally, it was revealed that Shadbar’s Firearm Owner’s Identification card had been revoked in 1979 due to a prior felony arrest.
Legal Proceedings
Shadbar appeared for arraignment at the Will County Courthouse on Thursday and is scheduled to return for further proceedings on May 23. The court documents indicate that the victim, described as a white woman, had allegedly endured years of harassment and threats from Shadbar due to her relationship with a Black partner.
History of Harassment
According to reports from ABC News, Shadbar had a history of directing racial slurs at the victim and her children, along with issuing death threats. The confrontation leading to the shooting incident was preceded by a series of altercations, including an episode where Shadbar revved his motorcycle engine, prompting the victim to use an air horn in response. This escalated into Shadbar hurling a bottle over the fence, accompanied by racial slurs and threats.

Previous Police Interventions
The sheriff’s office disclosed that the victim had previously contacted the police twice regarding minor issues with Shadbar, both of which were resolved. In one instance in March, she reported Shadbar’s agitated behavior towards her and her children. Later that month, another call was made concerning Shadbar’s discharge of fireworks and possible gunfire over the backyard fence. However, no arrest was made due to insufficient evidence, the department stated.