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Unveiling the Enigma: Chad Daybell Trial Unravels Bizarre Spiritual Beliefs and Ceremonies

Chad Daybell Trial: Testimony Reveals Bizarre Beliefs in Past Lives and Spiritual Missions

Insights into Chad Daybell’s Ceremonies and Predictions: Witness Recounts Chilling Details in Trial

According to KMTV, In a surprising twist, Zulema Pastenes who was married to Lori Vallow’s brother, testified in Chad Daybell’s trial. She talked about the strange beliefs they shared about life and spirituality. Chad believed he and Lori were married in past lives and had a mission in this one. He also thought he was an important religious figure in his past lives, like Jesus’s brother.

Pastenes also talked about the weird ceremonies Chad organized, especially one involving Lori’s late husband, Charles Vallow. She remembered Chad saying scary things about Lori’s son, J.J., predicting his death and saying he’d come back as another child. She also mentioned a troubling conversation with Lori about Lori’s daughter, Tylee, where Lori said Tylee needed to be “free” but wouldn’t explain what she meant.

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Unveiling the Enigma: Chad Daybell Trial Unravels Bizarre Spiritual Beliefs and Ceremonies (PHOTO: East Idaho News)

Chad Daybell Trial: Witness Testimony Unveils Strange Beliefs and Practices

Pastenes’s testimony gives us a peek into the strange beliefs and actions of Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. It suggests they were involved in some strange practices and hints at darker truths yet to be uncovered in the trial.

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