Chicago residents express discontent over Mayor Brandon Johnson’s $70 million budget request for immigrant support.

Chicago, Illinois (US Local News) – Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago is facing backlash from residents after proposing a $70 million budget allocation to support immigrants and asylum-seekers in the city. The proposal has sparked strong opposition from citizens, with some even launching a recall effort against the mayor.
During a City Council meeting on Wednesday, Mayor Johnson’s request for additional funding to aid immigrants was met with criticism from Chicago residents. Many argued that the city’s priority should be its own citizens, especially considering the projected deficit of $1.5 billion for this year and $1.9 billion for 2025.
The mayor’s push for immigrant support comes amidst Chicago’s sanctuary city status, with the city having already spent $300 million on housing, food, and healthcare for newcomers. However, some residents believe that allocating further funds to immigrants neglects the needs of local communities.
“We need that money in my neighborhood; we need that money on my block,” expressed one resident, emphasizing the necessity of prioritizing resources for Chicago’s citizens.
Another resident warned aldermen that voting in favor of the funding could jeopardize their positions, stating, “Vote for the money for these immigrants today and we coming for those seats… you better be worrying about your job.”
The discontent with Mayor Johnson has led to the initiation of a recall effort by resident Dan Boland. Boland is organizing a petition to allow citizens to vote on recalling the mayor, highlighting concerns about Johnson’s accountability and leadership.
To proceed with the recall initiative, Boland must collect 56,464 signatures by August 5th to have the question of recalling a mayor included on the November ballot. If approved, a subsequent petition would require 122,503 signatures for the recall question to be on the ballot in the next scheduled election in March 2026.
The controversy surrounding Mayor Johnson’s immigration funding request underscores the tensions between supporting immigrant populations and addressing the needs of local communities in Chicago. As the recall effort gains momentum, the future of Mayor Johnson’s tenure remains uncertain.