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Granger Man Charged with Bestiality and Animal Torture in Indiana

A shocking case of animal abuse has rocked the community of Granger, Indiana, as 29-year-old Andrew Hsu faces charges of bestiality and torturing an animal. The charges stem from a disturbing incident involving a 27-pound dog named Zorro.

Granger Man Charged with Bestiality and Animal Torture in Indiana
Granger Man Charged with Bestiality and Animal Torture in Indiana

According to court documents, the alleged abuse occurred in January of 2023 when Hsu, frustrated with the dog’s incontinence issues, tied Zorro to a tree. Subsequently, an individual familiar with Hsu’s actions rescued the dog and sought veterinary care after discovering the animal in distress.

Vet records from February 1, 2023, revealed that Zorro, an Australian Cattle Dog-Blue Heeler mix, was suffering from bleeding associated with the incontinence, despite having no prior history of medical treatment. However, the situation took an even darker turn when a video surfaced, allegedly depicting Hsu engaging in sexual abuse against the helpless animal inside his apartment.

The video, sent to an acquaintance via a dating app, was turned over to Mishawaka police on March 21, 2024, prompting an investigation by authorities. After verifying the authenticity of the footage, detectives confirmed that it was not a digitally altered “deepfake,” but rather a disturbing depiction of real-life abuse.

Andrew Hsu was subsequently arrested on April 1 and now faces Level 6 felony charges, which carry a potential prison sentence of six months to 2.5 years. Meanwhile, Zorro has been removed from Hsu’s custody and relocated to a safer environment in another state.

This reprehensible case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of reporting animal cruelty and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. The community of Granger stands united in condemning such despicable acts and advocating for the welfare of innocent animals.

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