Davidson News

400 SNAP Benefit Cases of Credit Card Theft in Cuyahoga County: Stay Vigilant and Protect Your Benefits!

Alert on Credit Card Theft Skimming

Rising Concerns

According to Fox 8, Cuyahoga County’s Health and Human Services department in Ohio is warning SNAP benefit users about credit card theft skimming. Kevin Gowan who works with the county’s program says there have been over 400 incidents of credit card theft since February. Skimmers put devices on card readers to steal data when benefits are added to cards. This is worrying because it affects vulnerable people so users need to be careful.

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400 SNAP Benefit Cases of Credit Card Theft in Cuyahoga County: Stay Vigilant and Protect Your Benefits! (PHOTO: FOX 8 News)

Protecting SNAP Benefits

To stay safe, Gowan says SNAP users should protect their benefits. They should change their PIN regularly maybe every month. Users should also check card readers for anything strange that could be a skimmer so that they can avoid credit card theft. They can also use the Connect EBT app to lock and unlock their benefits card easily. This will help keep their benefits safe from credit card theft. If someone notices anything suspicious or if their benefits are stolen they should tell the county. They can call the Public Assistance Fraud Hotline or report it online. By giving these tips and information the county wants to help SNAP users keep their benefits safe from credit card skimming and other credit card theft.

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